
Klinik Otorinolaringologi/ENT di PPUM

Sejak kecil aku mengidap penyakit resdung sampai boleh pening hari2, kadang2 boleh muntah & demam, bernafas ikut mulut tu kira normal dlm kehidupan aku. Tiap2 minggu parent aku bwk ke klinik homeopathy tapi smpi ke hari ni takde hasil (guys, please avoid homeopathy ya). bila dah dewasa ni barulah pandai utk kawal masalah resdung ni dgn cara flushing setiap masa. Aku dah terima hakikat resdung dlm kehidupan aku tapi tak syok pulak kalau asyik berdengkur tiap2 malam.

Sejak x keje ni, (memandangkan msia ni tak appreciate engineer) aku terpaksalah pegi klinik kerajaan. Hari tu dapat referral letter utk pegi hospital sg buloh, pastu tunggu sebulan utk appointment. Sebenarnya aku ada preference utk jumpa doktor di PPUM, rupa rupanya boleh mintak refer ke mane2 doktor yang kita nak. Kali ke-2 ke klinik utk dapatkan referral letter, kene sekolah dgn doktor sebab nak jumpa byk2 doktor, dia tuduh aku “shopping” katanya. Aku pon angguk jelah, malas nk gaduh, dah tua, hidung tersumbat pulak tu, akhirnya dia bagi referral letter lepas puas sekolahkan aku.

Bila call PPUM, di suruhnya dtg kul 8am utk daftar. Bila sampai PPUM, cari bangunan warna merah (Bangunan RUKA), dekat situ ada klinik rawatan pesakit luar. Klinik ENT berhampiran dgn tempat tu. Bila daftar, tunggu sejam, rupa rupanya datang utk dptkan tarikh temujanji. kene tunggu sebulan. takpelah, duduk msia ni jangan byk sangat complain nnt cepat mati.

kalau korang nak pegi mane2 hospital pakar kerajaan, kalau taknak byk songeh, pegi klinik swasta, byr duit sikit utk dapatkan referral letter. setel.

Klinik Pergigian Kelana Jaya

Waktu kecik2, malas gosok gigi sampai habis gigi berlobang. Semalam dok sibuk mengunyah jajan, tercabut pulak tampalan pada gigi geraham sampai nilu dibuatnye. Dulu waktu makan gaji, bolelah selambe pegi klinik swasta, tapi sekarang ni dah menganggur kenelah cari alternatif murah. Mujur ada klinik kerajaan yang dekat dengan rumah. Aku kalau bab pegi klinik gomen ni mmg fobia sikit sebab waktu menunggu punya lama giler. Beberapa bulan lepas bole buat temujanji online untuk ke klinik gomen tapi sekarang tak boleh dah, kene “walk-in” sahaja. Mampuih nak tunggu berjam-jam! Tapi apakan daya, kalau takde duit, buat cara takde duit. Klinik suruh datang daftar sebelum jam 8 pagi. Aku pun terpaksalah cancel aktiviti jogging semata mata nak pegi sane.

Klinik Kesihatan Kelana Jaya

Bila sampai, orang tak ramai gila, tapi ramai lah jugak. Rata2 datang untuk pegi klinik kesihatan. Klinik pergigian kat tingkat 1, orang pun tak berapa ramai, tapi takdela sikit sangat. Waktu aku daftar kul 8am tu, aku orang yang ke-16. Lepas daftar kene bayo rm1 pastu jumpa doktor untuk check tekanan darah. Aku orang yang ke-3 untuk buat tampalan. Kul 10 pagi, baru dapat masuk jumpa doktor. Lepas tampal, dah takleh kunyah betul2 sebab gigi belah kanan dengan belah kiri tak “level”, takpelah… ape nak buat, dah tua kot. Lepas keluar dari bilik, buat bayaran RM4, mungkin untuk bayaran tampalan kot. Secara keseluruhan, perkhidmatan sangat memuaskan, pegawai2 semua baik2 belaka. Secara jujurnya, dalam banyak agensi kerajaan, klinik gomen antara agensi yang buat keje tip top, agensi lain dah la lombab, keje tak pakai otak, harap2 YB Anwar bole buat perubahan.

Bayaran RM1 untuk pendaftaran
Bayar RM4 untuk tampal gigi

Comparisons of international travel insurance packages in Malaysia 2022

Recently, I needed to buy travel insurance in order to apply for a residence visa for one of the European countries. I literally collected quotation from ALL insurance companies who offered travel insurance! Honestly it was time consuming to collect it and i hope with this article, you wont have to do the same as i did.

I was looking for a travel insurance with a duration of 6 months, cover the costs totaling at least EUR 30 000, cover the costs of both emergency and other medical care, as well as hospitalization, dental care and possible repatriation for medical reasons and covers all European countries. From these criteria, here are the quoted price from various insurance companies :-

Tune ProtectRM571.50seems like it doesn’t cover repatriation
PIAMno facilities to provide online quotation and i lazy to call them
Berjaya SompoRM254.50total cover is rm150k for 3 months max
EtiqaRM433.00duration is 2 months
Great EasternRM370.00duration is 2 months
CHUBBsomehow the online quotation doesn’t work
Tokio MarineRM580.75
MSIGsomehow the online quotation doesn’t work

I ended up shortlisting Zurich and Tokio Marine since their prices look affordable. Finally i chose Zurich because I can change the start/end date for the policy. I hope this article helps.

Comparison of Insurance Companies when buying Malaysian Motor Insurance Pool (MMIP) / 3rd Party Insurance for motorcycle

In my 20 years of experience of owning a cheap motorcycle and a 3rd party insurance, I can never escape from discrimination from the several parties.

I noticed the renewal fee of 3rd party insurance for my 125cc motorcycle has increased. The story began when i received an automated reminder email from AXA Affin General Insurance to renew the insurance which costs RM87.58 (the same price i’ve been paying for more than 5 years with AXA). After contacting AXA to request for online payment, they sent a revised quotation which costs RM109.50. The price increase because they added an additional coverage (motorcyclist PA Plan A with towing). When asking the reason for price increase, they said “Personal Accident cover is required for Third Party motorcycle policy“. Honestly, money is never an issue to pay the price increase but I am not paying extra money just because the company wanted me to!

the quoted price from automated email
the revised price

I browsed the internet and study the 3rd party insurance regulations and guidelines and found an informative article here. In this article, the writer got help from MNRB (Malaysian National Reinsurance Berhad) to instruct the insurance company to allow him/her to buy insurance without Additional Coverage. This means we have the right not to buy the Additional Coverage! I contacted MNRB but no one pick up the phone, I even emailed to MNRB but no reply at all! MNRB is owned by PNB (Permodalan Nasional Berhad) which makes MNRB as a GLC. But I am not surprised to see a GLC in Malaysia to have this poor customer service.

I contacted the writer to explain about my problem and he provided me with a list of insurance companies that provides MMIP. I emailed each one of them and i have tabulated the results as shown below:-

Insurance CompanyRemarks
AmGeneral Insurance BerhadThey did not reply my email
Chubb Insurance Malaysia BerhadPrice = ???
They replied with “We regret to inform you that we unable to cover Third Party for your motorcycle Honda AFS125MCR – is declared as Decline Risk by Chubb Insurance”
Liberty InsurancePrice = RM113.50 ( the price includes Additional Coverage)
Lonpac InsuranceThey did not reply my email
MPI GeneraliPrice = RM113.50 ( the price includes Additional Coverage)
Pacific & OrientThey did not reply my email
Pacific InsuranceThey did not reply my email
Progressive InsuranceThey did not reply my email
RHB InsurancePrice = ???
I did not receive the quotation because they wanted me to go to the branch
Takaful IkhlasPrice = ???
They replied with “Kindly to inform you that we no longer have MMIP or third party coverage”
Tokio MarinePrice = RM87.57
Quoted Price of 3rd party insurance for 125cc motorcycle

Of all the companies that I contacted, only ONE COMPANY offered insurance without Additional Coverage! This shows that the welfare for motorcycle owners with 3rd party insurance are not being taken care of. However there is still one kindhearted company (Tokio Marine) which offered a fair deal. In the end, I bought my 3rd party insurance for both my motorcycle and my car with Tokio Marine and they still impresses me until today.