How China managed to control the COVID-19 outbreak in 2 months time?

i have been getting this question from my families and friends which made me decide to write my opinion after working in china for several years (before and after the covid-19).

as we all know, china successfully implemented mass surveillance on its citizens which means if you are a citizen of china, even your balls are being held by the government, in other words, the government knows everything about you and you can’t run away.

with this mass surveillance in place, it is easy to control the population when a pandemic like covid-19 exist. together with “no questions asked” policy, they can simply control the outbreak because the population is just like a ROBOT. why i said this because a robot does not question anything, and will do anything as instructed, everyone in that country follows what the government freakin told them to do! no one oppose the government ( and you know what will happen if they do ) .

secondly, in Shanghai, children are not allowed to attend religious classes. everyone obey this instruction. if the government can easily impose this autocratic rule, you can imagine how easily the government is able to impose rules to control the pandemic!

most people from outside china, are amazed when seeing this country “successfully” control the pandemic. some are proud and some criticize their own country, why their country cannot act like china. BUT they don’t know what it takes to achieve that kind of “success”.

if you live in a democratic country which is struggling to control this pandemic, you know democracy is not the problem, its the politicians. so do your part as citizens to voice your concerns. you have the power to make the country a better place. your life belongs to you, and it does not belong to the government!