Perbandingan kos antara ride hailing app di new delhi dan agra ( uber vs ola vs rapido ) / Price comparison between ride hailing app in new delhi and agra

Perbandingan kos tuktuk dari paharganj ke connaught place
Uber – inr67.72 (bole pakai kad kredit)
Ola – inr76 (cash)
Rapido – inr55 (cash)

Bila byr dgn cash, confirm betul2 harga dgn rider dulu.
Selalunya waktu malam lepas jam 10pm, susah nak dpt uber.
Kat area yg jem dan ramai org, pakai tuktuk atau motosikal, lg cepat smpi.

utk ola dan rapido, perlu ada simkad india utk pendaftaran

Perbandingan kos antara ride hailing app di new delhi dan agra ( uber vs ola vs rapido ) / Price comparison between ride hailing app in new delhi and agra Read More »

Hampir kena scam dengan “Government Operated” Tourism Office di Connaught Place, New Delhi / Nearly being scammed by “Government Operated” Tourism Office at Connaught Place, New Delhi

Kronologi peristiwa

Lepas beli simkad kat kedai Airtel di Connaught Place, saya terus menghala ke Palika Bazaar yg terletak 200m. Tempat dia hampir sama mcm Pertama Complex, jual tali pinggang, kemeja bagai, lepas 5 minit terus blah. Lepas tu tunggu dekat tepi jalan utk ambil Uber Motosikal. Tak sampai beberapa minit, ada brader india tegur, tanya dtg dari mana, berapa hari kat india. Brader ni friendly, sambil bagitahu dia penah melancong ke msia. Pastu tanya ittnerary saya kat Delhi. Lepas tu dia bagi tips utk melawat tempat2 yg menarik. Dia kata, KEBETULAN ada GOVERNMENT TOURISM OFFICE selang 2 blok dari sini. Dia tolong tunjukkan kat mana ofis tu. Lepas smpi depan ofis tu, brader tu beredar. Ofis ni terletak kat lorong yang agak dodgy.

“Government Operated” Tourism Office

Ofis tu bersih, pegawai kat dalam tu peramah habes. Siap bagi chai tea. Pegawai yg attend saya ni, KATANYA dia asal Kashmir. Siap bagitahu dia muslim. Dia tolong buatkan itinerary utk saya. lepas keluar dari ofis ni, belum sempat nak panggil Uber, tetiba ada brader tegur, KATANYA dia asal Kashmir juga ( ramai pulak org kashmir kat sini ) , saya pun excited la, mmg ada plan utk pegi Kashmir, dia kata dia dtg Delhi utk melancong dgn keluarga. Dia tanya apa plan kat Delhi, lepas tu dia bagi tips utk sewa kereta dgn driver sebab saya bertiga, boleh jimat kos. Lepas tu, KEBETULAN dia kata ada lagi satu “Government Operated” Tour Office selang 2 blok dari sini yg buat servis sewa kereta. Dia bagi lokasi google map ofis kedua ni lepas tu sembang mcm2 ttg tmpt2 yg pegi kat wilayah ni. Lepas tu, KEBETULAN dia free 1.5 jam sbb member smpi lmbt, jadi dia tlg temankan ke ofis kedua ni kalau nak.

“Government Operated” Tour Agency yang kedua, selang 2 blok dari ofis yang pertama

Ofis kedua ni pun hampir sama mcm ofis pertama. Kemas, semua pegawai kat dlm tu ramah2. Pegawai yang attend saya pun kebetulan Muslim juga. Dia pun terus buat itinerary sewa kereta dgn driver. Asalnya nak sewa kereta utk 3 hari, dia pulak buat itinerary 6 hari, siap dgn hotel bagai. Aiiii, mintak lain, dia bagi lain. Pastu sy kata nak balik dulu sbb nak bincang dgn member dulu ( member belum smpi India lagi ) . Dia terus kata call member sy skrg ( RED FLAG ) . Dia mintak saya duduk sini, sambil bagi chai tea lagi, jgn balik selagi decide. Dah mcm memaksa pulak. Saya terus blah la apa lagi. Lepas tu, Brader Kashmir bagitahu ada market yg menarik kira2 2km dari sini. Saya cakap nk jalan kaki, tapi dia insist utk pakai tuktuk. Dia KATA UBER TAK SELAMAT ( RED FLAG ) . Lepas tu kena kepong dgn brader2 lain pujuk sy naik tuktuk ni. Aku pon terus blah la.

Kesimpulan drpd kisah ni, sindiket2 ni akan pancing mangsa dia dgn lahirkan persamaan & minat antara dia dan mangsa ( muslim, hobi suka travel, asal dari Kashmir ) dgn niat utk tolong yang akhirnya menjadi suatu paksaan. Semoga bermanfaat. Jazakallah

Hampir kena scam dengan “Government Operated” Tourism Office di Connaught Place, New Delhi / Nearly being scammed by “Government Operated” Tourism Office at Connaught Place, New Delhi Read More »

pengalaman membeli tanah lot untuk membina rumah sendiri – part 1 – kos membeli tanah lot

Setelah bertahun tahun tinggal di rumah org tua, saya ambil keputusan untuk sewa rumah sendiri. Ramai sedare dan sahabat handai mempertikaikan keputusan ni, ada yg kata tak mengenang budi la, lari dari tanggungjawab la. antara sebab saya pindah adalah nak masak sendiri ( nak masak lauk yg suka mkn ), hidup berdikari, nak buat open house ajak keluarga dan kengkawan dtg, ada ruang privasi utk bertakafur, self reflection.

sewa rumah kat KL harga sangat mahal. payah nk dpt rm1k utk kondo dekat dgn rumah org tua. akhirnya sewa kondo member kat pinggir selangor. bila dah pindah, jenuh nk melawat org tua sbb jauh, pegi ofis pon jauh, jumpa kwn pon jauh, jenuh naik turun lif.

kebetulan pulak USA dok asyik cetak duit yang mengakibatkan duit kertas semakin susut nilai. timbul dalam kepala sy iaitu sy perlu pindahkan sebahagian wang simpanan sy ke dlm bentuk aset seperti hartanah.

waktu ni lah saya mula cari rumah landed utk dibeli. tambahan pula dgn nilai wang kertas yg semakin susut akibat quantitative easing, saya kene pindahkan duit ke simpanan kpd aset hartanah. nak beli rumah landed kat KL ni harga sgt lah tinggi. rumah teres lama 2 tingkat 18×60 kat segambut pun harga dah 530k, rumah pulak dekat sebelah loji. yuran guaman pon sgt lah tinggi.

1. yuran guaman s&p = rm10k-20k
2. yuran guaman pinjaman bank = rm10k-20k
3. duti setem s&p = rm10k
4. duti setem pinjaman bank = rm2k++

bab yuran guaman di msia ni, saya sgt tak setuju dgn harga yg diorang caj. siap ada penalti kalau peguam caj harga lebih murah drpd yg ditetapkan oleh majlis peguam. tapi isu ni saya akan bincangkan dlm artikel lain.

bila tgk harga mcm ni, dah la bayo mahal2, dpt rumah yg usang, terus tak jadi. akhirnya saya ambil keputusan utk beli tanah lot. kos belanja tanah lot seperti berikut

1. harga tanah lot 40×110 = rm240k
2. yuran guaman s&p, duti setem s&p = rm6.5k

bila tambah kos bina rumah banglo kira2 rm150k-200k, jumlah tak sampai 500k pun. dapat rumah baru, rumah pulak jenis banglo. kiraan rm150k-200k ni masih dalam kiraan peringkat awal dan ianya suatu anggaran kasar. artikel ni adalah sebahagian drpd perjalanan saya utk memiliki rumah sendiri.

pengalaman membeli tanah lot untuk membina rumah sendiri – part 1 – kos membeli tanah lot Read More »

Career in Computer Science in Malaysia / Kerjaya dalam Sains Komputer di Malaysia

many ppl said CS roles are saturated here. but actually not quite true. the problem is that there are plenty of software developer roles. BUT with a low salary. ( and like most people said, it is closely follows with “engineer is not valued here” statement ) . Most of the low salary roles come from local companies. Then where are the high salary roles? Usually it comes from MNCs. But the problem is that, Malaysia’s FDI is still low as compared to other countries such as Singapore, etc. Because of that, MNC roles are scarce here. so we usually see 100-200 applicants for highly sought roles at MNCs and GLCs ( Telekom Malaysia, Petronas Digital, etc). When I was in Japan, CS jobs are plentiful, up to the point that expats are encouraged to work in IT sector ( i have a american colleague who is an english teacher, he took a 3 months bootcamp and end up working as cloud support engineer, and another pinoy colleague who works as a translator, got a job as Frontdesk Engineer. these show how desperate Japanese companies are right now ) and they need to source manpower from overseas ( lots of IT projects being outsourced to Vietnam ) .

so what to do? being a fresh graduate might have lesser chances to earn ‘proper livable salary’ , therefore it might be good to jump to different companies as much as you can. because when you jump, you will gain more connections which is a big investment in the later life. ( i got hired by a hiring manager who was my former colleague from previous company 6 years ago )

another way is to work abroad, which some might feel unattracted to it ( especially when you already have family or u punya GF/BF lari ke org lain nanti ) . but thats the reality, jobs are SIGNIFICANTLY more in other countries. companies in malaysia are having a sweet time because of this unlimited source of talents. at Huawei, most of their engineering roles are contract basis. they happily terminate the contracts and replace with a new guy in an instant.

Career in Computer Science in Malaysia / Kerjaya dalam Sains Komputer di Malaysia Read More »

Cara memohon visa pelancong (tourist visa) di Kedutaan Bangladesh, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Saya nak kongsi pengalaman saya sewaktu memohon visa bangladesh tempoh hari. Langkah2 permohonan adalah seperti berikut:-
1. Isi borang online di
2. Buat pembayaran (RM156 – single entry, RM315 – multiple entry) ke Bangladesh High Commission di cawangan maybank
3. Cetak borang yg telah diisi dan bawa ke Kedutaan Bangladesh
4. Tunggu 5 hari bekerja untuk ambil passport & visa

Checklist dokumen yang saya bawa tempoh hari :-
1. Borang permohonan visa yang telah dicetak
2. 3 gambar berukuran passport (latar belakang putih)
3. Slip tempahan hotel
4. Salinan fotokopi passport
5. Penyata bank terkini (3 bulan) . Amaun di dalam bank hendaklah ada sekurang kurangnya RM15,000
6. Surat jemputan daripada kenalan di Bangladesh
7. Salinan fotokopi ID kenalan di Bangladesh

Terus terang aku cakap, proses permohonan visa diorang mmg caca marba. Lagi teruk drpd kedutaan India. Waktu nak isi borang online, kat situ tulis yuran visa RM40, bila tgk kat website kedutaan dia, yuran visa RM156, pening aku nak check mane yg betul. Dah la call kedutaan diorang tak angkat. Kat website, dia cakap bawa slip booking hotel pun dah cukup, aku pon terus pegi pejabat kedutaan diorang.

Bila sampai sane, ofis bukak jam 9:00AM, tapi takde orang kat kaunter. Tunggu sampai jam 9:40AM baru ade orang. Amende la diorang ni. Bila submit dokumen, kene reject, kene ade invitation letter dgn bank statement. Pulak dahhhh!! dalam website takde pulak cakap kene bawak! Kalut betullah diorang ni. Aku pon terpaksa menggelupur buat draf surat pastu pegi print cepat2 sebab kaunter visa bukak smpi jam 1PM je.

Lepas patah blk ke embassy, boleh pulak takde org kat kaunter??? machaaaaaa, yennaadeiiii!!! Lepas tunggu dlm 15 minit, baru muncul brader kaunter. Lepas pegawai tu semak dokumen aku, kene reject lagi, kene ada salinan ID/passport kenalan di Bangladesh. Bagi tahu la semua dokumen yg hengkau nak sekali harung!!! member aku pon kene reject sbb duit dlm bank tak cukup 15k, padahal aku punye balance dlm bank cuma 10k tapi dia tak kata ape2 pon. lulus atau gagal utk mohon visa TERGANTUNG SEPENUHNYA kepada pegawai kat kaunter tu. kalau kau buat hal dgn macha tu, baibai lah.

waktu hantar permohonan dan waktu kutip passport

Lepas buat salinan ID kenalan Bangladesh, patah blk lagi ke embassy, brader kaunter MIA lagi, kali ni tunggu 30 minit baru dia muncul. Lepas submit ID kenalan di Bangladesh, barulah permohonan lulus. Lepas 5 hari bekerja, datang ambil kat embassy. Aku dengar kalau pakai ejen, 1 hari boleh siap. baiya oh baiya…

cenggini pon ambik masa 5 hari nk siap ka? baiyaaa oh baiyaa

Cara memohon visa pelancong (tourist visa) di Kedutaan Bangladesh, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Read More »

Finding a short term budget accommodation in Tokyo at a fair price

Sharehouse in Japan | Available from:

Tokyo is one of the expensive city in the world. Looking for a fairly cheap and comfortable accommodation should be easy since i have many years of experience traveling around the world on a budget.

But I was wrong.

I thought by using AirBnB or Agoda, I could easily get a budget accommodation but it was not. The cheapest accommodation that i can find using these 2 websites is USD100. I was hoping to get a private room at around USD10-15 but seriously you cant find any of it in Tokyo.

Tokyo is in the world of its own.

After endless googling, I found out that budget accommodation can be found by searching for sharehouse. It is a house with rooms where tenants share the common place (bathroom, kitchen, living room) together. I really dont prefer to share bathroom with strangers but in Japan, but I heard that the Japanese society treat hygiene as an important aspect of their daily lives, so will give i t try. Most sharehouse only offer monthly rental, so it will still be hard for travelers to look for accommodation for less than a month. Typically the sharehouse monthly rental fee is less than JPY100,000 which way cheaper that AirBnB and hotels.

Some points to be aware when renting a sharehouse:-
1. initial fee is around JPY30,000 – JPY50,000 which is for preparing the rental contract.
2. for short term rental (less than 1 year) , most sharehouse will request a contract cancellation fee which can be as high as 1 month rental fee.

And Japan doesn’t a de-facto website that gathers all sharehouses just like how AirBnB does. Honestly Japan is moving backwards as compared to the rest of the world. So, I had to contact each of the sharehouse by EMAIL!!! and surprisingly they are quick to reply in a few hours (but some replied after 1-2 days) . I can’t imagine how they can work that fast without using Apps to automate their work. So here are the list of sharehouses that I contacted. Somehow the number of sharehouses will be limited when you are above 40 years old . Maybe they dont encourage old people to come here since they already have a lot of oldies here themselves :-

Sharehouse nameAge LimitMinimum rental periodRemarks
Sakura Houseno age limit1 monthFamous place but often no vacancies
GGHouseno age limit1 monthReasonable price but room is small
Oakhouseno age limit1 monthDecent rooms but a little pricey
XROSS HOUSEdepends on location1 monthmost of their sharehouses have age limit (18-39)
interwhao18 – 451 month
BeGoodJapanno age limit1 month
Bamboo Houseno age limit1 monthFamous place but often no vacancies and price is reasonable
Share-share.jp18 – 401 month
Kizunaya Share Houseno age limit6 months
Fineselect.jpno age limit6 months
Wabi Sabi Houseno age limit1 year
Edison LLC18 – 35???
TOKYOβsharehouse18 – 39???
Couvertureless than 40??? response from them via email response from them via email
Share Parade??????no response from them via email

I ended up renting at GGHouse because most of the sharehouses at my desired area have been taken up. I started looking for a place to stay 2 weeks prior to my visit to Tokyo which is quite late. You need at least 1 month prior to your arrival in Tokyo to start looking for sharehouses if not you’ll run out of choices. GGHouse has a lot of sharehouses in Tokyo but their rooms kinda small and the rental fee is reasonably priced.

You could also checkout (Japanese version of AirBnb but with an added taste of culture exchange) where you will be living with a Japanese host.

Finding a short term budget accommodation in Tokyo at a fair price Read More »

Klinik Otorinolaringologi/ENT di PPUM

Sejak kecil aku mengidap penyakit resdung sampai boleh pening hari2, kadang2 boleh muntah & demam, bernafas ikut mulut tu kira normal dlm kehidupan aku. Tiap2 minggu parent aku bwk ke klinik homeopathy tapi smpi ke hari ni takde hasil (guys, please avoid homeopathy ya). bila dah dewasa ni barulah pandai utk kawal masalah resdung ni dgn cara flushing setiap masa. Aku dah terima hakikat resdung dlm kehidupan aku tapi tak syok pulak kalau asyik berdengkur tiap2 malam.

Sejak x keje ni, (memandangkan msia ni tak appreciate engineer) aku terpaksalah pegi klinik kerajaan. Hari tu dapat referral letter utk pegi hospital sg buloh, pastu tunggu sebulan utk appointment. Sebenarnya aku ada preference utk jumpa doktor di PPUM, rupa rupanya boleh mintak refer ke mane2 doktor yang kita nak. Kali ke-2 ke klinik utk dapatkan referral letter, kene sekolah dgn doktor sebab nak jumpa byk2 doktor, dia tuduh aku “shopping” katanya. Aku pon angguk jelah, malas nk gaduh, dah tua, hidung tersumbat pulak tu, akhirnya dia bagi referral letter lepas puas sekolahkan aku.

Bila call PPUM, di suruhnya dtg kul 8am utk daftar. Bila sampai PPUM, cari bangunan warna merah (Bangunan RUKA), dekat situ ada klinik rawatan pesakit luar. Klinik ENT berhampiran dgn tempat tu. Bila daftar, tunggu sejam, rupa rupanya datang utk dptkan tarikh temujanji. kene tunggu sebulan. takpelah, duduk msia ni jangan byk sangat complain nnt cepat mati.

kalau korang nak pegi mane2 hospital pakar kerajaan, kalau taknak byk songeh, pegi klinik swasta, byr duit sikit utk dapatkan referral letter. setel.

Klinik Otorinolaringologi/ENT di PPUM Read More »

Penjelasan krisis putus cinta dari segi sains, kimia dan neurologi

sejak mengalami sakit angau yg pertama berpuluh tahun lepas, aku terdorong utk menjadi seorang yang kerek a.k.a Jual Mahal bila berhadapan dgn kaum hawa. aku buat mcm ni mungkin sbb fobia, tak nak kene sakit angau lagi atau mungkin aku nk kuatkan mental aku atau mungkin aku rasa lagi berbaloi fokus cari duit byk2 drpd pikir psl pompuan. tapi biler jumpa kaum hawa yg kene dgn citarasa aku, jadi balik sakit angau. dah byk kali jadi mcm ni. sebenarnya aku rasa aku cuma protect hati aku tapi apa yang aku patut buat ialah cari punca kenapa aku sakit angau.

Alhamdulillah lepas berpuluh tahun fokus 100% keje, 0% awek, dapatlah buat Gap Year untuk buat Self Reflection. kali ni bila aku kene sakit angau, aku tanya balik diri aku, what is this feeling? selama ni aku emotionless terhadap pompuan, tetibe bole jd lembik mcm bapok tak tentu pasal. punyelah byk aku google smpi berpinau mata aku minggu ni. aku jumpa maklumat yg menarik tentang bagaimana otak manusia bertindak balas apabila ada aktiviti bercintan.

Ni aku dapat kat reddit tentang bagaimana otak kita respon terhadap lurveee :-

“When we are in love or infatuation (the difference between the two is a whole different article) your brain is producing oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin. These chemicals create those bonding, loving, and butterfly feelings you have when you’re really into somebody…ESPECIALLY when you are physically intimate with them over a period of time. We are hard-wired to operate this way. Evolution theory says that the purpose of this is to keep partners together when inevitably raising children…it was easier to protect the young from predators and raise them to adulthood with two able-bodied humans on the same team. These primitive feelings and chemical releases are basic functions of our brains, and holy hell are they hard to remove once somebody bails.
The important thing to remember is that the production of these powerful chemicals, the resulting feelings of which you are projecting onto your former partner, will absolutely fade over time if given the appropriate chance. Every profile pic you stare at re-releases them in trace amounts, and every text you send to him couples those chemicals with adrenaline, a dangerous and hindering combination. So don’
The really really tough part is that they play some pretty hardcore tricks on you when you are grieving. The oxytocin will make you crave the physical intimacy from him like a drug, and the dopamine will idealize the person in your mind….it will ask you to recall only the happy memories, only the things you loved about them, only the things that made you PERFECT for each other and what the hell is wrong with him, I just need to make him see how good we are together. Stop. Your own mind is trying to sabotage you. Force yourself to write down all the things you DON’T like about him, and make sure to review that list frequently. As the dopamine starts to loosen it’s grip on you, that list will seem more and more valid. And guess what, it is.”


no wonder kdg2 bila aku fantasize psl “dia” atau tgh syok berkomunikasi during the “infatuation stage”, dgn tidak sengaja aku hasilkan oxytocin dalam badan aku. bila dah kene tinggal, bekalan oxytocin ni tenganggu ibarat cacing kepanasan la citer dier. bayangkan ko hisap dadah tiap2 hari, tetibe ko dah tak hisap, menggelupur le jawabnye. kihkihkih.

Penjelasan lebih detail dari segi sains, sila lihat di bawah:-

“Dow explained that romantic love releases a flood of feel-good brain chemicals. Relationships boost our levels of oxytocin, also known as the “love hormone”, which helps us form bonds with others. The two other chemicals that he associates with relationships are dopamine, which is a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward, and serotonin, which helps to regulate our mood and is associated with happiness. Love (oxytocin) + pleasure (dopamine) + happiness (serotonin) = a heady neurological cocktail!
When we break up, our brains lose their regular supply of these neurotransmitters, and we go into neurological withdrawal. This is how broken hearts break brains. Subjectively, the deficit in these chemicals can make us feel anxious, depressed, and isolated.
In this state, our brains become desperate to replace these chemicals by any means necessary. Dow thinks this is inevitable. But how we choose to replace them can determine whether we achieve a healthy breakup or prolong our misery.
From his clinical experience, Dow notices that people who have just gone through breakups tend to drink more than usual and are more likely to engage in one-night stands. These activities provide a heavy “dollop of dopamine” which hits the brain’s deprived pleasure centres. In short, substance use and casual sex are fun ways to spend an evening and a rich source of ribald anecdotes. However, Dr. Mike thinks these activities also have a downside: despite the dopamine hit that draws us to them, they are not the best way to get over someone in the long-term.
The same neurochemical turbulence that makes us play fast and loose at the bar can also affect our social media habits. We all know someone who has stalked their ex’s social media, riding every update like an emotional rodeo. This is the oxytocin-starved brain inhaling the vapours of lost love. It’s bad news because it prolongs the connection that we have to let die.”


So thats explains why i acted like a sore loser. aku sedar perangai aku mcm loser tapi aku tak boleh control. rupe rupenya selama ni dah termakan dadah . ha ha ha. bila aku jumpa maklumat ni terus hati aku rasa tenang sikit, mungkin my inner self dah jumpa jawapan yg dia nak selama ni. Alhamdulillah, syukur kepada Allah. Tapi aku mmg percaya bahawa hidayah tu Allah akan bagi bila kita dah bersedia utk menerimanya, oleh itu sentiasalah berusaha utk menjadi lebih baik dan mendekatkan diri kepadaNya.

Kepada mereka yg tgh stress, jangan risau… cari jalan utk hiburkan diri sendiri, make yourself laugh everyday, life is too short to be sad. lupakan psl dia, only u can make yourself happy, if you’re not happy, u cannot make others happy. make yourself happy and make others happy. treat it as a bonus if others make you happy. pasang niat utk buat amal bila nk cari pasangan hidup, supaya niat kita ikhlas utk buat amal utk dia dan tidak mengharapkan apa2 balasan. bile kene reject lagi, ko takkan kecewa sbb dari awal lg dah psg niat ikhlas. again, thats why we need to make ourself happy.

mmg lumrah manusia kita ada perasaan sebegini disebabkan oleh kesan hormon2 tersebut ke atas kita. oleh itu, lakukan senaman setiap hari, libatkan diri dalam aktiviti sukan, make new friends, cuba hobi baru, kekalkan hobi yg lama. semua aktiviti ni boleh menjana hormon2 tersebut supaya kita tidak bergantung sepenuhnya kpd kaum hawa.

when you crave about her, due to her intellectual, or her appearance, or her character, then BECOME LIKE HER. you yourself strive to be more intellectual, better appearance and better character.

At the time of writing this article, one of my friend just passed away. He was 50+ years old. Life is short. Make it count!

Keep on taking risks, from there you will make mistakes and correct it and become a better person. Jgn putus asa berkenalan dengan orang, biarpun akan kene reject, dari situ, kenalpasti kesilapan dan buat lebih baik utk percubaan yang seterusnya.

Harap artikel ini dapat memberi manfaat. Wassalam.

إِنَّكَ لَا تَهْدِى مَنْ أَحْبَبْتَ وَلَـٰكِنَّ ٱللَّهَ يَهْدِى مَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَهُوَ أَعْلَمُ بِٱلْمُهْتَدِينَ
“Indeed, [O Muḥammad], you do not guide whom you like, but Allāh guides whom He wills. And He is most knowing of the [rightly] guided”

Penjelasan krisis putus cinta dari segi sains, kimia dan neurologi Read More »

Mencari pasangan jodoh pada umur 40-an

Terjumpa satu komen yang sangat berguna di reddit tentang perkara ni :-

“Everyone should do relationships / marriage at their own pace and not be pressured into it. I don’t think it’s bad to need a relationship; it’s a basic human drive. It goes wrong when just being with someone becomes more important than being with the right person or having a good and stable life overall.

I turned 50 this year. I never settled down with anyone and don’t even date anymore. I could if I wanted to – I have more confidence now than I ever have in my life. It’s just never been a big priority for me. It’s been lonely sometimes and I’ve made some minor mistakes because of that loneliness but I’ve come through it. You might find it hurts the most around your mid-30s when you see the last of your friends getting married, including those you thought were a lot less eligible than you. If you date, you’ll also see changes in the new people you date as the years go on. You see more people re-entering the dating life after divorce (or during one) or scrambling to find someone before they’re “too old”. You’ll find your own ideas changing as you learn about life and continue to go through emotional phases – those don’t stop when you become an adult.

There’s a lot of freedom as you say in being able to get by on your own and I think there are some people who are far more productive and helpful to others because they have that freedom and flexibility. Marriage and kids can be a huge restriction. At the same time, I wouldn’t want to see a whole society of singles like me. I think society is generally more stable because the majority of people pair up and create supportive families


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Klinik Pergigian Kelana Jaya

Waktu kecik2, malas gosok gigi sampai habis gigi berlobang. Semalam dok sibuk mengunyah jajan, tercabut pulak tampalan pada gigi geraham sampai nilu dibuatnye. Dulu waktu makan gaji, bolelah selambe pegi klinik swasta, tapi sekarang ni dah menganggur kenelah cari alternatif murah. Mujur ada klinik kerajaan yang dekat dengan rumah. Aku kalau bab pegi klinik gomen ni mmg fobia sikit sebab waktu menunggu punya lama giler. Beberapa bulan lepas bole buat temujanji online untuk ke klinik gomen tapi sekarang tak boleh dah, kene “walk-in” sahaja. Mampuih nak tunggu berjam-jam! Tapi apakan daya, kalau takde duit, buat cara takde duit. Klinik suruh datang daftar sebelum jam 8 pagi. Aku pun terpaksalah cancel aktiviti jogging semata mata nak pegi sane.

Klinik Kesihatan Kelana Jaya

Bila sampai, orang tak ramai gila, tapi ramai lah jugak. Rata2 datang untuk pegi klinik kesihatan. Klinik pergigian kat tingkat 1, orang pun tak berapa ramai, tapi takdela sikit sangat. Waktu aku daftar kul 8am tu, aku orang yang ke-16. Lepas daftar kene bayo rm1 pastu jumpa doktor untuk check tekanan darah. Aku orang yang ke-3 untuk buat tampalan. Kul 10 pagi, baru dapat masuk jumpa doktor. Lepas tampal, dah takleh kunyah betul2 sebab gigi belah kanan dengan belah kiri tak “level”, takpelah… ape nak buat, dah tua kot. Lepas keluar dari bilik, buat bayaran RM4, mungkin untuk bayaran tampalan kot. Secara keseluruhan, perkhidmatan sangat memuaskan, pegawai2 semua baik2 belaka. Secara jujurnya, dalam banyak agensi kerajaan, klinik gomen antara agensi yang buat keje tip top, agensi lain dah la lombab, keje tak pakai otak, harap2 YB Anwar bole buat perubahan.

Bayaran RM1 untuk pendaftaran
Bayar RM4 untuk tampal gigi

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