The Dark Side of Ericsson’s manpower outsourcing companies in Shanghai, China

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Ericsson’s manpower outsourcing companies

ericsson china hired many outsourced employees (OE) and these employees belong to a very few outsourcing companies (OC) appointed by ericsson china. in my opinion, they appointed very few so that these companies will not have competition. and those OE cannot switch to different OC since those OC already kawtim with each other (IMO, this will prevent OE to demand better salary. and also it is either you stay with low salary or out you go from the ericsson ecosystem) . and it is not easy to convert to ericsson employee. behind this operation, people have been gossipping about how ericsson managers set up an OC (or have a substantial shares in that co.) and these managers hires new recruit and assign them to his own OE. and there are many stories where ericsson hiring managers receive ‘gifts’ to ensure their new hire is assigned to respective OC. if you are wondering why these new hires kept on getting low salary, i think you know where does the money is being syphoned to. these OCs dont really care about their OE welfare because its not the OE who is giving them money but those ericsson managers are. china have 1.3 billion people, no issue to recycle the workforce.

As of now, several departments were closed down and the employees were given 2 options.
1. transfer to Sweden office
2. take the retrenchment route

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