Mencari pasangan jodoh pada umur 40-an

Terjumpa satu komen yang sangat berguna di reddit tentang perkara ni :-

“Everyone should do relationships / marriage at their own pace and not be pressured into it. I don’t think it’s bad to need a relationship; it’s a basic human drive. It goes wrong when just being with someone becomes more important than being with the right person or having a good and stable life overall.

I turned 50 this year. I never settled down with anyone and don’t even date anymore. I could if I wanted to – I have more confidence now than I ever have in my life. It’s just never been a big priority for me. It’s been lonely sometimes and I’ve made some minor mistakes because of that loneliness but I’ve come through it. You might find it hurts the most around your mid-30s when you see the last of your friends getting married, including those you thought were a lot less eligible than you. If you date, you’ll also see changes in the new people you date as the years go on. You see more people re-entering the dating life after divorce (or during one) or scrambling to find someone before they’re “too old”. You’ll find your own ideas changing as you learn about life and continue to go through emotional phases – those don’t stop when you become an adult.

There’s a lot of freedom as you say in being able to get by on your own and I think there are some people who are far more productive and helpful to others because they have that freedom and flexibility. Marriage and kids can be a huge restriction. At the same time, I wouldn’t want to see a whole society of singles like me. I think society is generally more stable because the majority of people pair up and create supportive families


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